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Vote for Stagebridge's entry in a National Photo Contest!

Stagebridge is happy to share our entry in a national photo contest! The Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group’s Member Photo Contest awards cash prizes to the winners:

Best of Show: $500 for one member nonprofit
Standing Ovation: $250 each for four more member nonprofits
Spotlight: $100 each for 10 more member nonprofits

VOTING IS OPEN from MONDAY, JAN. 7 at 11:00am through FRI. JAN. 11 at 5:00pm*

Help support Stagebridge and vote for our entry of some of our dynamic senior performers in action!

View our entry and CAST YOUR VOTE at:

*Note: Anyone can vote ONCE per day for EACH of the five days of the contest (so you have 5 chances to vote!), so help support us and cast YOUR vote for Stagebridge, and share with your family and friends!