Resources & Studies

Stagebridge’s affordable classes and innovative programs have a dramatic impact on individuals and communities alike. We delight in engaging seniors and youth through the arts.  Our own experience of the psychological and physical benefits of creative engagement is being backed up in research.

We’ve compiled some of our favorite articles. Click on any of the titles below to download. Have you recently read a study about the benefits of the performing arts? Contact us today and tell us – we always love to learn more.

Creative Aging Studies

Singing and Dance & Healthy Aging

Storytelling & Healthy Aging

Improv and Creative Play & Healthy Aging

Acting and Playwriting & Healthy Aging

Press Archive

Stagebridge’s affordable classes and innovative programs have a dramatic impact on individuals and communities alike. We delight in engaging seniors and youth through the arts.  Our own experience of the psychological and physical benefits of creative engagement is being backed up in the press.

We’ve compiled some of our favorite articles. Click on any of the titles below to download. Have you recently read something intriguing about the benefits of the performing arts? Let us know – we’d love to pass it on.

About Stagebridge


How to Start a Creativity and Aging Program


